
作             者: Herbert Puchta, Gunter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
總     級     數: 6
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Complete Beginner to Pre-intermediate
C E F R  Level: A1-A2-B1
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英國文化協會ELTons Awards將之提名為卓越創新課程教材(Excellence in Course Innovation)

  • 依照第二外語學習歷程,先培養聽、說能力,再逐步加入讀、寫技巧,循序漸進地建立學童英語聽、說、讀、寫的四大技能。
  • 課程涵蓋多元智能、內容語言整合與跨文化學習,帶領學童實際 運用所學英文。
  • 藉由生動活潑的故事,建立學童正確價值觀。
  • 學生課本後附互動式光碟,搭配有趣的遊戲與活動等練習,反覆複習課堂所學,強化每單元習得之字彙、句型與文法。
    Written by a highly respected author team, Super Minds, a seven-level course for young learners, has been carefully crafted to help your students achieve their full potential. Whilst exploring social values, the course methodically enhances your students' thinking skills and creativity. Engaging characters accompany learners on their journey, each with special powers. As the students grow, so do the characters, and new faces are introduced every two levels. As the students grow, so do the characters, and new faces are introduced every two levels.
  • The course methodically enhances your students’thinking skills, training their memory and improving their concentration
  • Lively stories give children the opportunity to explore social values
  • Two-page CLIL sections encourage students to apply English to the world
  • The fabulous DVD-ROM, included in the Student’s Book, features interactive games, lively songs, and fun activities focusing on the key vocabulary and grammar of each unit

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    Super Minds American English 4 Teacher's Book TOC PDF檔
    Super Minds American English 4 Teacher's Book Sample Pages PDF檔
    Super Minds American English 4 Teacher's Resource Book with Audio CD TOC PDF檔
    Super Minds American English 4 Teacher's Resource Book with Audio CD Sample Pages PDF檔
    Super Minds American English 4 Workbook TOC PDF檔
    Super Minds American English 4 Student's Book with DVD-ROM TOC PDF檔